In 2001, Dyer Construction and Renovation began out of a desire to combine artistry and structural integrity.

We started with this little guy on the right, a tool belt and an old black Chevy. Our first job was a deck and 17 years later, we are building custom homes with a stellar reputation. As our team has grown, one thing has stayed the same: Dyer's commitment to excellence in each part of the build process, from excavation to roof. We love what we do.


Mike enjoys the “fresh slate” of a new build and the challenge of a remodel. He is involved in both planning and management of a project as well as the physicality of putting hammer and nail to work. At any time Mike is able to put bags on and solve engineering or architectural issues with expertise. As a multi-skilled contractor, his abilities allow us to create structural excellence throughout each stage of the build. Mike has a professional certification in Earth Advantage Sustainable Homes.


Jill is the marketing wizard and wordsmith behind Dyer Construction & Renovation. She is also a writer and life-coach. You can find her at or reigning at home amongst the Dyer Tribe.
